Okay, so I'm an active member on Fanfiction.net both in terms of reading other people's fanfics and updating/creating my own. So all of a sudden I start to like reading yaoi fanfics. I mean, I don't love it or anything but I do like it. So because I was lazy to find anything serious to read I read this really simple and straight to the point kind of fic, y'know? It was all about two guys screwing each other non-stop and NOTHING ELSE! It went on and on about these dumb guys being with each other day in and day out. So I got bored of it after a while. I mean, who wouldn't? It was just plain FILTHY smut and everybody gets tried of filth like that, right? So I reviewed the author and said yeah her fic was good but only in the smuts department and that her story didn't seem to be developing with a plot! And you know what she said?? She went all "My fic is NOT FILTHY!". Uhh, hello! You write gay stories filled with filthy crap and you're saying it ain't filthy? What's up with that? She has got to be demented! Or just plain dumb. I mean, she writes yaoi and then calls herself 'poerto rican stripper'! And then she was being defensive? And the dumbmest thing is that she NEVER even bothered to reply my review like a normal author would. Instead she posted her dumb reply on her fic! What the hell was that all about, I ask you? I never flamed her! I was only saying what I thought of her filthy fic. That was all. I mean, I didn't go and say that her fic SUCKED and that she'd have been better off by just deleting the stupid thing anyway! Gah! Sometimes there are just too many idiotic people in this world. I expected her to be open-minded enough because she writes yaoi and smut and calls herself a stripper. I guess, she's just an idiot. Okay, she's a pervert for writing it and I'm a pervert for reading, right? So who cares what I said? Why'd she have to go all 'Yo' mama on my butt'? What a pathetic loser! She would've had to be either delusional or dumb or just plain RETARDED! Yea, that's what she was; a frickin' retard!
I hate stupid close-minded people like her! She's so not what a reader needs. I mean, her fic wasn't all that well-written anyway. Her work wouldn't be called 'state of the art literature'. After all, it is filled with filthy crap so how could she ever hope for it to be taken seriously? I mean, people who reviewed her were only after her smut and they left unintelligent reviews like "UPDATE SOON" and "can't wait for more" or just a "cool". But she never gets anything like a "well written fic and good grammar" or "this is a beautifully written fic" or "very interesting concept and I like how you unfold the plot", etc, etc, etc. Nope! That just proves how stupid her filth is! Nobody gives a damn about anything else but her filth. Pathetic loser that she was and is. Before I made that very 'rude' review for her, I had posted oh, so many reviews that were nothing but unintelligent well-meaning shorties like "me wants more" and "love this", etc, etc. But guess what? She NEVER bothered to reply any of it! She never frickin' bothers at all! So suddenly after she got the 'rude' review from me, she's all in my face! What is up with her? What a freak! She's so totally sick! That's what she is! A frickin' sicko!
Note that I am only releasing my tensions and all I want to do is just that at the moment. This is nothing but my unintelligent drabbling. I really just felt like giving that bitch a piece of my mind. Stupid, narrow-minded bitches like her should get cancer and die a painful horrible death! She deserves it! Write filth like that and deny it? Really, I ask you! What the hell is going on in that filthy fugly slutty sicky mind of hers? Loser! How come nice sweet people like Princess Di get perished in a car crash and stupid fools like her don't? Sigh. It is just so unfair.
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